NOTE: To see larger images of the art, click on any image below.
I had three works accepted into the
Del Ray Artisans exhibit "Skeletons: Exploring Under the Surface" which features artwork that examines what is under the surface, literally or figuratively.
Penetration, digital art, LK Jeffers |
This is my portrayal of the almost constant penetration of our heart and soul by love, hate, news, social media, etc.
Intruding Past, digital art, LK Jeffes |
This piece is an homage to my Dad. That is a portrait of him on the right. He lived through a lot of traumatic experiences in his life. I don't know if it was because of those past experiences or in spite of them, that he became such an amazingly caring and loving person.
Barely Keeping My Head Above Water, serigraph, LK Jeffers |
Finally, this serigraph print, 'Barely Keeping My Head Above Water', represents how I have felt much of my life :).
The exhibit will be up the month of October with an opening reception on Friday, Oct 2nd and a Halloween Party on Oct. 31st. The Del Ray Artisans gallery is located at 2704 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria VA. Visit for more information.